When Leo and Scorpio come together, they often create a vigorous and powerful team. They understand each other's needs well; Scorpio needs to be respected and desired, while Leo wants to be adored and complimented. They are both strongly loyal, often possessive of each other. Both partners are able to provide what the other needs and enjoy each other's strengths.

Leo likes comfort and luxury, often doing things on a grand scale. Leo tends to be flamboyant, and Scorpio will like that and will be happy to give Leo the audience they require, as long as there is equality in the relationship. Leo shines brighter and more insistently, becoming magnificence and luxury personified. Scorpio will appreciate being relieved of any pressure to be in the limelight but will be content to control the fundamentals. Because both Signs are so determined, these partners really need to work to understand and accept each other.

Leo is ruled by the Sun, while Scorpio is ruled by the Planets Mars and Pluto. The Sun is about ego and self, and it radiates warmth and light. Leo indeed radiates this kind of energy and enthusiasm. Mars is about war, brashness and battle, and Pluto is the influence on Scorpio's hidden thoughts. Ruled by the House of Sex, Pluto influences the idea of regeneration and rebirthing that is a constant theme in Scorpio's life. Together, this bounty of masculine energy is why Leo and Scorpio soften their conflicts and sustain each other. The Sun represents life, and Mars and Pluto represent ambition and the unconscious. As long as they are careful to understand each other, their combination is a positive and ambitious one.

Leo is a Fire Sign and Scorpio is a Water Sign. Leo wants social freedom, while Scorpio has a shifting, viscous personality. Both Signs want to be the leader in different ways, and this common desire may be a source of discontent. Like the Elements that influence them, these two are capable of destroying one another. At times, their relationship may not be a harmonious one. However, both partners will realize that these petty disputes are of no real consequence, and as long as they can keep their egos aside and allow the relationship priority, their conflicts can usually be resolved.

Scorpio and Leo are both Fixed Signs. Both can be rigid, opinionated and resistant to change. Both partners tend to persist when working toward their goals. If they have a plan, they'll stick to it until they get what they want. They usually share a distrust of change, preferring life to be stable and steady. If they have differing ideas on the same subject, they may find themselves in a never-ending power struggle. Scorpio won't change their mind because they see it as a sign of weakness, and Leo may see Scorpio as being too intolerant. If they understand they're on the same side in the grander scheme of things, it's much easier for them to remain productive.

The best aspect of the Leo-Scorpio relationship is their mutual dedication to each other and the projects they partake in. Both Signs have very powerful, yet strategically different personalities. They are seen as a strong pair by others, and their mutual commitment to fulfilling their goals makes theirs a powerful relationship.


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