When Leo and Pisces come together, each partner will enjoy the new dimension that the other brings to life in general. Leo is a strong and outgoing Sign, doing what they want and taking command of the surrounding world. Pisces is quieter and more introspective. In many ways, the two are contrasts, yet both are dreamers at heart. When they care for one another, they are each able to fulfill the other's needs and have a loving, mutually beneficial relationship. Leo is a leader, and in a relationship with Pisces they often become the protector of their more gentle partner.

Pisces, in turn, gives Leo the audience they require for their ambitions and social performances. Pisces is a Sign that, like Water, fills whatever container it is poured into. They tend to give themselves over to a partner; an empathetic nature enables the Fish to understand Leo in a way that many other Signs don't. Leo's direct approach combines with Pisces' gentle understanding of other people to form a confidence and assertiveness that doesn't pass into selfishness -- the way Leo alone might act -- and isn't overly timid, like Pisces alone may be.

Leo is ruled by the Sun, and Pisces is ruled by the Planet Jupiter. Pisces is also ruled by Neptune. The Sun emanates life and a focus on the Self to the Leo-Pisces relationship. Neptune is about big pictures, ideas and illusions; but it's also involved with disillusion and fantasy. Leo can help Pisces bring fantasies into reality. Neptune works through Pisces by putting a softer face on Leo's sometimes self-centered and brash actions, channeling their energy into a more creative and fruitful outlet.

Leo is a Fire Sign and Pisces is a Water Sign. These two can get a lot done if they work together, using introspection and creative ambition to get things accomplished. Pisces can help Leo learn to be humble and to think of the needs of others, while Leo teaches Pisces to go out into the world and begin to take risks and action. Pisces can be too emotional, too much Water dampening Leo's enthusiasm. Conversely, too much Fire can boil the Water and leave Pisces emotionally scalded. Leo and Pisces must create open lines of communication in order to ensure their balance is maintained.

Leo is a Fixed Sign and Pisces is a Mutable Sign. Pisces doesn't need to be the boss; when they are given a task and a way to help out, they enjoy working as hard as they can to do their part. They get their greatest satisfaction from bettering the universe. Leo, on the other hand, is the one who comes up with ideas in the first place and assigns roles to the other participants. Both enjoy working for the underdog, and their lack of conflict over roles helps Leo and Pisces work on the same projects with great results.

The best aspect of the Leo-Pisces relationship is that they have much to gain from each other, and they are both receptive to one another's teachings. Pisces shows Leo how to empathize and care, and Leo teaches Pisces how to make their dreams happen, rather than just thinking about them! Their ability to each provide what the other needs makes theirs a truly reciprocal relationship.


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