Homage to Glauber Rocha
Portuguese translation below
In May 1964 the motion picture "Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol" was
performed during the 17 International Film Festival of Cannes (France) and got
the international review prize. From then on the Cinema Novo (an avant-garde
Brazilian cinema) started having international repercussion.
The director of the polemic and stimulant motion picture was by that time a 25 year old young man who started his career in the cinema with the performance of the following short-length experimental pictures: "Pátio " (1957) and "Cruz na Praça" (1959). He also finished "Barravento " ( 1962), a long-length motion picture started by Luis Paulino dos Santos. These works as well as the tasks he carried out as a cinema reviewer had already high-lighted his name in the intellectual circles of Salvador city where he was considered one of the young Brazilian cineasts of that epoch. With the protesting text "A Estética da Fome" and the issue of the scenario of "Deus e o Diabo", in the following year he achieved fame. ¶ In 1966, while he was waiting for the beginning of his new motion picture, Glauber Rocha produced two short length documentaries as follows: "Amazonas Amazonas" and "Maranhão 66"; the plot of the last one referring to the entrance into office of the then Governor José Sarney. The next film, "Terra em Transe" got also distinction and prizes of the international review. Before his third long-length motion picture, he had a new experience, "Cancer"; and then, with the film "O Dragão da Maldade Contra o Santo Guerreiro" he got the prize of the best motion picture director of Cannes Festival, in 1969. This prize gave him the opportunity to work abroad producing the following films: "Der Leone Have Sept Cabeças" (1969) a French/Italian joint-production filmed in Africa; "Cabeças Cortadas" (1970) filmed in Spain; "História do Brasil" (1974) which had Marcos Medeiros as a joint-director, filmed in Cuba and Italy; and "Claro" an Italian production dating from 1975. Once again, in 1977, he was awarded a prize at Cannes Festival with the performance of the short-length "Di Cavalcanti", a homage he paid to his friend, the painter Di Cavalcanti, who had recently died. This very polemical film was interdicted by the painter's family. "A Idade da Terra" (1978) which had in its cast the following artists: Norma Bengell, Jece Valadão, Ana Maria Magalhães and Geraldo del Rey, was performed at the International Cinema Exhibition of Venice and got controversial and enthusiastic opinions. About this motion picture the Italian Michelangelo Antonioni said: "each scene is a lesson showing how modern cinema has to be done". In August 1981, Glauber Rocha came back from Portugal very sick and died on 22nd of the same month. During his funeral, many friends admirers and artists were present and immediately started to study Glauber Rocha's work. Little by little, they realized that his work was much larger than they had imagined. At the present time his works are kept at Tempo Glauber, a museum and center of studies containing documents about cinema, scripts that were never filmed, poems, plays, original books which had never been issued and drawings. They are examples which prove that Glauber Rocha's work is still enthusiastic and alive. Embrafilme
Em maio de 1964, "Deus e o Diabo na Terra do Sol"é apresentado no XVII
Festival Internacional do Filme em Cannes, recebe o premio da crítica e
desencadeia a repercussão do novo movimento cinematográfico brasileiro - Cinema
Novo - em escala internacional.